Globe Unified School District
2024 - 2025 Tiger Knowledge Online (TKO)
To better protect user privacy from AI intrusion and harmful emails, we now display only the main building location phone number We apologize for any inconvenience.
For information:
phone: 928-402-5912

Please read, sign, and submit all documents after enrollment has been accepted.
For new enrollments, once documents are submitted, please call to schedule an appointment.
Coursework will not start for student until documents are submitted for returning students.
To access Pearson Online Portal, please select the appropriate box.
Weekly Attendance
In accordance with A.R.S-15-901 and A.R.S.-15-808, ALL TKO students are required to submit weekly attendance time logs for each course.
AOI students must work at least a minimum number of hours a week to comply with state attendance statutes and remain in the program:
Kindergarten students, 356 hours- Approx. 10 hrs. per week
1st-3rd grade: 712 hours – Approx. 20 hrs. per week
4th-8th grade: 890 hours – Approx. 24 hrs. per week
9th- 12th grade: 900 hours – Approx. 25 hrs. per week
Instructional hours may be delivered in any day, week, and course length increments, but recorded and submitted every Sunday.
TKO Weekly Attendance/Activity Log
Please use the same link each week to submit attendance. Attendance hours include time on the computer, research, writing, reading, projects, completing assignments away from the computer, and in-person instruction and/or remote testing.