GUSD Salary Scale

Welcome to the Globe Unified School District Salary Scale information page. If you have questions regarding any posted information please contact the Human Resource department during regular business hours.

This page is updated as information is provided and approved by the Globe USD Governing School Board.

NOTE/Comments: Salaries reported to the state include all monies coded to the 1000-instruction line. This includes one-time payments made for performance, etc. throughout the year. These one-time payments are not guaranteed in an annual contract and can skew the numbers dependent upon the availability of funds for one-time payments.

In addition, the above calculations do NOT include employer-paid benefits which equates to approximately 20% of teacher pay and health insurance premiums of approximately $7,600 per employee.



  • Average salary of all teachers employed in FY 2019 (budget year) - $46,429

  • Average salary of all teachers employed in FY 2018 (prior year) - $42,168

  • Increase in average teacher salary from the prior year - $4,261

  • Percentage increase - 10%

Substitute Pay Rates

2022/2023 Rate

Emergency Substitute


Regular Substitute


ASRA Retiree Substitute



ASA Superintendents,

As you might know, there is a bill moving through the Legislature (SB1599) that would impose fines of $5,000 per day for each day a district does not have teacher salary information prominently posted on its website.  We heard testimony from several legislators who said they could not easily find the information on district websites.  The posting requirements were part of the 20x2020 plan for increasing teacher compensation.  I highly encourage you to verify compliance with ARS 15-903.  It is difficult to fight the bill when it does appear there are districts not in compliance.  
To read SB1599, click
To read the Senate Fact Sheet, click

Have a great day!

Dr. Pau Tighe 
ASA Executive Director